Albany Show

Albany Show

Every year, on the 2nd weekend in November, the Albany Horticult­ural Socie­ty hosts the Albany Show.

Cover­ing the Centenni­al Park Showgrounds, over 380 ex­hibitors, stalls and traders dis­play their wares, from cars and crafts to show bags and novel­ties for the kids.

The 2015 Show was the 120th held in the 125-year hist­ory of the Socie­ty.

Non­-stop ent­ertain­ment was pro­vid­ed by a host of musicians, dancers and other acts in the centr­al stage area.  A huge varie­ty of tasty food was avail­able to suit all appetites, and of course, the fireworks dis­play at 8 pm Friday night.

The 2015 Show was the 120th held in the 125-year hist­ory of the Society.

Com­pet­itive events in Creat­ive Craft, Cook­ing, Horticult­ure, Amateur Wine & Beer, Photo­graphy, Ute Muster, Woodcraft, Alpacas, Pigeons, Poultry, Sheep, Wool, Shear­ing, Cattle, Horses, Carri­age Driv­ing, Show Jump­ing and Dress­age are all popular and worth a look.

The show grounds are open 9 am to 9 pm on Friday, and 9 am to 5 pm Saturday during the show weekend.  Wheelchairs and electric gophers are avail­able for hire, and an ATM is avail­able.  Albany Agricult­ural Show is a smoke-free event.

Mem­bers and ex­hibitors free park­ing is locat­ed within the Showgrounds.  Public park­ing is avail­able oppo­site, at a cost of $3.

The Socie­ty is grate­ful for the assist­ance given by valu­ed sponsors and donors, allo­w­ing it to pro­vide facili­ties for other com­mun­ity organisat­ions such as Albany Mensh­ed, Great South­ern Region­al Cricket Board, South­ern Dist­ricts Junior Football Associa­tion, Two Probus Clubs, Albany Orchid Socie­ty, Pinwheel Quilters, Albany Orchid Socie­ty, Albany Photo­graphy Socie­ty, Flor­al Art Club, Albany Table Tennis Club, Albany Racing Pigeon Club, Albany and Dist­ricts Poultry Club.

Be sure to visit the Albany Show, 2nd weekend in November, on your next visit.

updated 30/11/2023

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