Cable Beach

Cable Beach

Cable Beach is a beauti­ful and dramatic beach in the Torndirrrup Nation­al Park, adjac­ent to The Gap and Natur­al Bridge.

With crisp, turquo­ise waters, white sands and a host of granite out­crops, Cable Beach is attract­ive and pleas­ure to visit.

However, being ex­pos­ed to the full force of the South­ern Ocean, it carr­ies the risk of frequ­ent and un­pre­dict­able king waves.  This makes Cable Beach un­suit­able for swim­ming.

Access to the beach is via Gap Road, with a short turn off to a small car park.  From there a path and stair­way lead towards the beach.  You will need to navig­ate between granite boulders to reach the beach proper.

C­able Beach is an ex­cell­ent loca­tion for scenic walks

Cable Beach is an ex­cell­ent loca­tion for scenic walks, with multi­-col­our­ed bush, bright, white sands and inter­­est­ing rock form­at­ions.

The pound­ing surf, rocks and shallow reef may make swim­ming too danger­ous, but ent­ices a wide varie­ty of fish to the area.  Ex­pect to catch salmon, skippy, herr­ing, whit­ing, groper, queenie and shark, depend­ing on the season.

Take care when visit­ing the area and enjoy the view.

updated 02/07/2022
