Whalers Cove

Whalers Cove

Whalers Cove, also known as Fisher­ies Beach, is a delight­ful and priv­ate beach approxim­ately 20 km from Albany on the Vancouver Peninsula.

Shelter­ed from the swell and pro­tect­ed from the wind by the hills of the Vancouver Peninsula, Whaler's Cove is popular for sunba­thing, swim­ming and fish­ing.

Shelter­ed from the swell and pro­tect­ed from the wind by the hills of the Peninsula.

Whaler's Beach itself is approxim­ately 300 metres long and 25 metres wide, with clean, white sand and rocky granite out­crops on the east­ern end.

There is a usually a seawe­ed bank some dist­­ance out, and the nearby rocks make the loca­tion ex­cell­ent for snorkell­ing.

Nearby facili­ties include a car park, toilet block and con­crete paths to the beach.  The best times to visit are between Dec­ember and April when temp­eratures are usually between 20 and 30 degrees celsius.

The car park also marks the beginn­ing of the Point Posses­sion Herit­age Trail, a 6 km hike around the Vancouver Peninsula.  At the end, a cairn marks the loca­tion Captain George Vancouver claim­ed the area for the Brit­ish Crown in 1791.

To visit Whalers Cove, drive along French­man Bay Road to Torndirrup Nation­al Park, then turn left onto Quarranup Road.  Follow this for another 6 km to the car park, locat­ed on the right.

updated 20/07/2023
