Convoy Walk

Convoy Walk

Convoy Walk is an inter­pre­t­ive journey of the ships that gather­ed in King George Sound in 1914 to take ANZAC troops to the battlefields of World War 1.

Albany was chosen as a gather­ing point for the first 2 con­voys of ships carry­ing troops and horses to Europe and Gallipoli, due to its large, shelter­ed harb­our and ex­­ist­ing port facili­ties.

Albany was chosen as a gather­ing point for the first 2 con­voys of ships.

Some 40,000 troops and 17,000 horses were carri­ed aboard 54 Australian and New Zealand ships in the 2 larg­est con­voys to leave Australia.  All of these men em­bark­ed from East coast ports.

Between November 1914 and May 1919 over 240 troop and hospit­al ships made port at Albany, with many sick or injur­ed treat­ed at Albany Hospit­al.  Mem­ori­al Park Cemet­ery on Mid­dle­ton Road is the rest­ing place of some who died.

Today, Convoy Walk features 21 inter­pre­t­ive signs giving info­rma­tion about the vessels that made up the convoy and their per­sonnel.  The Walk leads from the parade ground of Princess Royal Fortress to Convoy Look­out at the summit of Mount Adelaide.

An alumin­ium and granite com­mem­or­ative sculpt­ure by Arif Satar and Audrey Fernandes-Satar ent­itl­ed "Long­ing, Memory, Sight" is inscrib­ed with text from orig­inal letters and post­cards sent by Australian soldiers to their loved ones.

Convoy Walk was offici­ally open­ed on November 1, 2014.  It is locat­ed inside the grounds of Princess Royal Fortress, adjac­ent to the Nation­al ANZAC Centre.

updated 30/12/2019
