| Sensational South Coast

Listings 4

  • Allandale Wood Chalets

    27 Racecourse Road, Robinson WA 6330
    Just 5 minutes from the heart of Albany, set in a tranquil rural setting, surrounded by native peppermint trees.
  • Camp Kennedy Baptist Youth Camp

    359 Perkins Beach Road, Torbay WA 6330
    Nestled amongst coastal peppermint trees right on Perkins Beach.
  • Peaceful Bay Chalets

    Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay WA 6333
    Self-contained chalets in a picturesque bush setting.
  • Pepperwood House

    Jack Ricketts Drive, Denmark WA 6333
    Stunning self contained and serviced 3 bedroom holiday house nestled in peppermint trees.
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    Sensational South Coast
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