Marketplace Listings
A free Marketplace Listing is available for every business, club or organisation located within the Sensational South Coast.
#Listing features:- name, address and phone number of your organisation
- links to your email and web page
- a description of what you do
- everything can be searched
- you can manage it yourself
- listings are free
Listings are shown alphabetically, after product results and feature pages. Organisation must be local to the Sensational South Coast.
#You may already be listed:
We automatically list every business we find. If you have a physical store or prominent online presence, chances are our Explorers have already found you. Do a quick search to see if you're already listed.
#Create your own listing:- sign in - you may need to register first
- tap My Listings to see your listings
- tap Add New Listing to make a new listing
- fill in the form
Once approved, your listing will appear in a suitable category. You can update it at any time.
#We can do it for you:- send your details to
- we'll create a listing for you in a suitable category
- tell us if anything changes and we'll update it #Want to know more?
Contact us for more information, or if you can sign in, order a listing below.
updated 05/10/2023