Feature Page
New business, product or service? Become a Featured Business to keep people informed.
A Featured Business is a 30 day advertorial aimed at promoting a new product or service. It's a great way to announce new things and gives you a featured position and greater promotion than a Marketplace Listing.
Your Featured Business page can be expanded later with product displays, shopping cart, membership options and more.
#Benefits include:- 30 days promotion as a Featured Business
- chance to be promoted on the front page
- prominent position within your category
- prominent position in search results
- more keywords used for search
- shown in What's New section
- can be upgraded later
- is low cost #Features include:
- large image of your new business, product or service
- 500 word magazine-style article describing what's new
- links to your main website or Facebook page
- address, contact details and location map
- free customer enquiry form
- free special offer coupon
- free directory listing
Special offer coupon will appear on your page and in the Coupon Book available to signed-in visitors. Coupons are printable.
Feature Pages can be renewed for longer periods and upgraded to add more features.
#How To Get Your Feature Page:
- send your details to sales@sensationalsouthcoast.com.au
- we'll contact you to organise your page and answer any questions
- we can use an image and text from your web site or Facebook page
- we can take a photo and write the article for you if you prefer
- we'll make the printable coupon for you too
updated 05/10/2023