Great Southern Wildflowers

Great Southern Wildflowers

West­ern Australia has the world's larg­est collec­tion of wildflowers with over 12,000 spec­ies, many found nowhere else on Earth.

The Wildflower season for the Great South­ern Region, with its vari­ed forests and coast­al heaths, begins in early August and lasts until late November, depend­ing on winter rainfall.

While native wildflowers can be found in many areas, even along roadsides, the many Nation­al Parks pro­vide the best pro­tect­ed collect­ions.

Con­si­der visit­ing Stirl­ing Range Nation­al Park for un­dulat­ing hills and rugg­ed cliff faces.  Many walk­ing trails can be found there to view the 87 un­ique spec­ies found only in this area.

The Porongorup Nation­al Park leads through a com­bina­tion of forest areas and weather­ed granite peaks.  Many well-mark­ed walks take you through the vari­ous landscapes, with some­­thing to suit all fitness levels.

The Torndirrup Nation­al Park features windswept cliffs, sandy beaches and coast­al heathlands, whose trails lead to many lookouts over the landscape.

Towards Denmark and Walpole are West Cape Howe, Mt Lindesay and William Bay Nation­al Parks, that com­b­ine stunn­ing coast­al scen­ery with a hectic mix of native flowers.

During September and October each year, the Great South­ern Bloom Festiv­al com­bines the celebra­tion of nature with the charm of real country living, with dis­plays and events in many hinterland Shires of the Great South­ern Region.

Nation­al Parks with facili­ties require visitors to purchase a day pass on the day of entry.  The cost is per vehicle and ent­itles you to visit sever­al parks on the same day.

Please note that pets are not per­mitt­ed in Nation­al Parks and pick­ing wildflowers is pro­hibit­ed by law in West­ern Australia.  Keep to walk­ing trails when­ever poss­ible and be aware that bushfires are a risk especi­ally in summer months.

National Park Fees

updated 06/04/2022
