First Settlement | Sensational South Coast
First Settlement

Features 7

First Settlement

Albany is West­ern Australia's oldest settle­ment with a rich and vibr­ant hist­ory.

Found­ed in 1826, three years before Perth, Albany grew from the humbl­est of beginn­ings, a single shipload of soldiers, settlers and con­victs, into a bustl­ing region­al centre.

Along the way, many of the early build­ings, and their artifacts have been pre­serv­ed, so you can share the stor­ies of those early settlers today.

Ex­peri­­ence life in the 1800s, con­vict labour, open­ing up the land to farm­ing, build­ing the ports and railways, the age of wind and steam, inter­na­tion­al ship­ping, coast­al defence, the over­land tele­graph and the ANZAC con­voys that left from these shores.