Torndirrup National Park | Sensational South Coast
Torndirrup National Park

Features 8

local gem

Torndirrup National Park

Torndirrup Nation­al Park is the most often visit­ed park in West­ern Australia, and home to many im­pre­ss­ive natur­al features, draw­ing approxim­ately 250,000 visitors each year.  The rugg­ed coastl­ine features roll­ing heathlands, stunn­ing and seclud­ed beaches, anci­ent rock form­at­ions and majestic granite sculptures carv­ed by the waves.

Locat­ed just 10 km south of Albany along French­man Bay Road, the park is a must-see when tour­ing the Albany Region.

Please take care to stay on mark­ed paths as the South Coast can be danger­ous and un­pre­dict­able.

You will need a Nation­al Parks Day Pass to visit any of these locat­ions.

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