Rotary Lookout

Rotary Lookout

Rotary Look­out offers un­inter­rupt­ed pan­ora­mic views of King George Sound, Ataturk Ent­r­ance and Mid­dle­ton Beach.

The Look­out is a popular spot for visitors, with oustand­ing views and landmarks visible for many kilo­metres in sever­al direct­ions.  A plaque describes the landmarks and islands visible in the dist­­ance.

The look­out links to the popular Ellen Cove Boardwalk

Between June and October, South­ern Right Whales are regularly spott­ed in the Sound, some­times quite close to the shore.  A coin operat­ed binocular is pro­vid­ed to give the best views.

The look­out links to the popular Ellen Cove Boardwalk, which follows the coast from Mid­dle­ton Beach to the Town Centre.  A moder­ate walk will take you to nearby Ataturk Statue, Point King Lighthouse and remains of the Plantag­ent Batt­ery.

Con­struct­ed by Rotary Club of Albany, the look­out was offici­ally open­ed by Noel Semmens, Director WA Depart­ment of Tour­ism on 19th June 1975.

Now part of Albany Herit­age Park Pre­cinct, the look­out has recently been up­grad­ed with more con­veni­ent park­ing, better view­ing facili­ties and new info­rma­tion­al sign­age.

Rotary Look­out is easily acc­ess­ible with con­veni­ent park­ing, just 3.5 km from the centre of Albany, along Marine Drive.

updated 01/11/2019
