Stony Hill

Stony Hill

Stony Hill, the high­est point in Torndirrup Nation­al Park, offers spect­acular 360-degree views of the City of Albany, Princess Royal Harb­our, Eclipse Island and King George Sound.

During World War 2, Stony Hill was the loca­tion of a Royal Australian Navy Sign­al Stat­ion featur­ing a look­out tower and sign­al mast.  In 1943, this was up­grad­ed to an RAAF Air Warn­ing Radar Stat­ion which operat­ed until 1945.  Remnants of this can still be seen at the top of the hill.

Today, the Stony Hill Herit­age Tail is part of the West­ern Australian Herit­age Trails network.  Its 500m circuit begins at the car park and winds its way through stone giants and heathland featur­ing a dazzl­ing assort­ment of local flora, includ­ing the rare albany woolly-bush, swamp yate, vari­ous banksias, native rosem­ary, banj­ine and thick-leaf­ed fan flower.

St­one giants and heathland feat­ure a dazzl­ing assort­ment of local flora.

Wildflower season during Spring gives the best dis­play.  Inter­pre­t­ive plaques along the trail show the thoughts of the orig­inal ex­plorers and settlers.

Stony Hill is locat­ed off French­man Bay Road and is acc­ess­ible by most vehicles.  The trail is mostly level, but some climb­ing is requir­ed to reach the summit for the best views.  Bush walk­ing attire and binoculars are recommend­ed.

updated 01/11/2019
