National ANZAC Centre
local gem

National ANZAC Centre

The Nation­al ANZAC Centre at Mount Adelaide is an inter­act­ive museum ded­icat­ed to honour­ing the Australian and New Zealand troops of World War 1.

Through an im­mers­ive, inter­act­ive ex­peri­­ence, visitors follow the lives of one of 32 Anzac era characters, from recruit­ment, train­ing and em­barka­tion, to the con­flicts at Gallipoli, the Middle East and on the West­ern Front.

Visitors follow the lives of one of 32 Anzac era characters.

At the end of the journey, visitors dis­cover the fate of their guide and can leave com­­ments to docu­ment their own feel­ings, which become part of the ex­hibit.

Creat­ed by the Canberra-bas­ed design team Thylac­ine, the ex­hibit uses a mix of multi­media, un­ique artifacts, rare im­ages, film, and audio com­­ment­ary to make the ex­peri­­ence highly per­son­al and com­pell­ing.  A mobile friendly web­­site, creat­ed by designers Pre­cid­ent, allows those who cannot visit in person to share the ex­peri­­ence.

Built at a cost $10.6m, fund­ed by state and feder­al govern­ments, the Centre was open­ed by the Prime Mini­sters of Australia and New Zealand on 1 November 2014 as part of the centen­ary celebra­tion the ANZAC con­voys depart­ure from King George Sound.

The Centre was develop­ed by the West­ern Australian Museum and the Australian War Mem­ori­al, WA State Govern­ment, the Return­ed and Services League, the Com­monwealth Depart­ment of Veterans Affairs and the City of Albany.

The Nation­al ANZAC Centre is locat­ed within Herit­age Park and is open daily ex­cept Christmas Day.

updated 14/06/2022

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