Albany Entertainment Centre

Albany Entertainment Centre

Situat­ed on the edge of Princess Royal Harb­our, the Albany Ent­ertain­ment Centre is the region's lead­ing per­for­ming arts venue.

The Centre was design­ed in 2006 by Cox Howlett and Bailey Woodland to be a boldly styl­ed state-of-the-art venue and the centrepiece of Albany Waterfront pre­cinct.  Con­struc­tion began in 2008 by DORIC, with com­­ple­tion in September 2010, at a cost of $70 mill­ion.

The Princess Royal Theatre is a mag­nific­ent 620 seat pro­scen­ium arch theatre, with remark­able acoustics, flying facili­ties, an orchestra pit, and cutt­ing edge theatre light­ing and audio systems, it is suit­able for a wide range of events.

The Kalyenup Studio on the ground floor is suit­able for intim­ate con­certs or corpor­ate dinners, can acc­ommod­ate up to 200 people, and be divid­ed into two acoustic­ally separ­ate rooms.

The Hanover Room on the 1st floor has mag­nific­ent views of Princess Royal Harb­our and is suit­able for con­ferences up to 20 people or small cocktail even­ings for up to 60.

The Foyer bar is open for pre and post­-perform­ance drinks and snacks.  The View restaur­ant with floor to ceil­ing windows is fully licens­ed and offers a range of dining options from a simple coffee to a form­al dining area.

The Princess Royal Theatre is a mag­nific­ent 620 seat pro­scen­ium arch theatre with remark­able acoustics

Park­ing is avail­able for 135 vehicles with over­flow park­ing, bus and taxi rank nearby.  The Centre features ACROD park­ing bays, auto­matic doors, wheelchair locat­ions in the Stall and Circle seat­ing areas, lift access, an acc­ess­ible box office counter, toi­lets and baby change area.  A Hear­ing Aid Loop is pro­vid­ed in the Princess Royal Theatre.

Please note, mobile phones must be turn­ed off during per­form­ances and photo­graphy is not per­mitt­ed.  Latecomers may have to wait for a suit­able break before being admitt­ed.

updated 23/04/2023

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