Bob Thomson Gardens

Bob Tompson Gardens

Bob Thomson Gardens is a herit­age list­ed native garden park, named after a former Town of Albany gardener who made a signific­ant con­tri­bu­tion to horticult­ure in the region.

The gardens were develop­ed as an Albany Rotary pro­ject follow­ing Mr Tomsons retire­ment in 1965, with Mr Spike Daniels being a major con­tri­butor to the pro­ject and its care.

the gardens are a mixt­ure of mature trees, a semi­-form­al garden with stone retain­ing walls and work­ing waterfall

Being in close pro­xim­ity to the City Centre, the former quarry was an ideal pro­ject to show how a damag­ed environ­ment can be reclaim­ed, beautifi­ed and given another use.

Today, the gardens are a mixt­ure of mature trees, a semi­-form­al garden with stone retain­ing walls and work­ing waterfall, set next to a natur­al bush reserve.  It features shady trees, con­veni­ent seat­ing, pathways and nearby park­ing.  The gardens are quite pictur­esque and a popular loca­tion for wedd­ing ceremon­ies and photo­graphs.

Bob Thomson Gardens are locat­ed on Mid­dle­ton Road just metres from Dog Rock, another famous Albany landmark.

updated 01/11/2019
