Anzac Peace Park

Anzac Peace Park

The ANZAC Peace Park, locat­ed at the bottom of York Street, com­mem­or­ates the centen­ary of Albany's role as the depart­ure point for the convoy of 30,000 ANZAC troops leav­ing for Gallipoli during World War 1.

In 2005, the City of Albany engag­ed Free­man Ryan Design and landscape architects Syrinx Environ­ment­al to design a com­mem­or­ative park to be the focal point for remembr­ance of the ANZAC trad­ition, and Albany's role within it.

Offici­ally open­ed in 2010, the park is now the venue for Albanys ANZAC Day Service each year and features a Mem­ori­al Wall, the Pier of Remembr­ance, Lone Pine Grove, an inter­pre­t­ive walk, flag poles, light­ing, seat­ing and landscap­ed gardens.

The Mem­ori­al Wall near York Street lists the names of soldiers who fell in combat.  The Pier of Remembr­ance, jutt­ing out into princess Royal Harb­our, features plaques list­ing the ships in the ANZAC con­voys that left king George Sound and a mem­ori­al plaque to the sub­mar­ine AE2.  Lone Pine Grove has seedl­ings grown from the seeds of Aleppo pines of Lone Pine in Gallipoli repres­ent­ing the con­nec­tion between the two cities.

Features a Mem­ori­al Wall, the Pier of Remembr­ance, Lone Pine Grove and an inter­pre­t­ive walk.

On November 1st, 2014 the offici­al centen­ary celebrat­ions were tele­v­ised nation­ally and witness­ed locally by 60,000 spect­ators.  Prime Mini­ster Tony Abbott and NZ Prime Mini­ster John Key laid wreaths at the Mem­ori­al Wall while seven warships replicat­ed the depart­ure of the orig­inal convey from King George Sound.

Today you can ex­plore this beauti­ful park and be remind­ed of this im­port­ant part of Australias hist­ory and how it forg­ed Australias values of mat­e­ship and honour.

updated 01/11/2019
