Convoy Lookout

Convoy Lookout

Convoy Look­out gives breathtak­ing views of King George Sound where ANZAC con­voys gather­ed before depart­ing for World War 1.

In 1914, the 2 larg­est con­voys of ships taking troops and horses to Europe and Gallipoli gather­ed in King George Sound, chosen for its large, shelter­ed harb­our and ex­­ist­ing port facili­ties.

Convoy Look­out is a shelter­ed and fully acc­ess­ible struct­ure plac­ed at the summit of Mount Adelaide.  Inter­pre­t­ive sign­age shows the names, types and posit­ions of the troopships and envoys of each convoy, as well as copies of histori­cal photos, to give a sense of the fleet laid out in the Sound.

Seat­ing and mount­ed binoculars are pro­vid­ed to enhance the view.

Inter­pre­t­ive sign­age ...  gives a sense of the fleet laid out in the Sound.

Adjac­ent to the look­out is the 15m flagpole and sign­al mast.  The orig­inal, built as part of Princess Royal Fortress in 1893, was used to sign­al the 1914 con­voys leav­ing the sound.  The sign­al mast was rebuilt in 1988 to its curr­ent form as part of the Forts Centen­ary restora­tion.

Convoy Look­out was offici­ally open­ed on November 1, 2014.  It is locat­ed inside the grounds of Princess Royal Fortress, adjac­ent the Nation­al ANZAC Centre.  It can be acc­ess­ed free of charge.

updated 30/12/2019
