Avenue of Honour

Avenue of Honour

The Avenue of Honour is a grove of trees plant­ed as a mem­ori­al to local soldiers who fell in times of war.

Origin­ally, Mid­dle­ton Road featur­ed the Avenue of Honour.  Plant­ed in 1921 as a mem­ori­al to soldiers of World War 1, it had suffer­ed con­si­der­able damage by the 1950s with many trees in a danger­ous state and requir­ing remov­al.

...each tree com­mem­orat­ing a single soldier

In 1955 while Apex Drive was being con­struct­ed, Ross Steel, a WWI veteran sugg­est­ed relocat­ing the Avenue to the new road, and ex­pan­d­ing the grove to repres­ent those who also fell during World War 2 and the Korean War.

In 1956, the Albany RSL and Apex Clubs join­ed to plant a new grove of Eucalyptus Robusta trees, with each tree com­mem­orat­ing a single soldier.  Orig­inal plaques were refurb­ish­ed and relocat­ed, and new ones added for later con­flicts.

Today, the Avenue is main­tain­ed by ded­icat­ed Albany RSL volunteers.  The Avenue of Honour is locat­ed on Apex Drive and is part of the Albany Herit­age Park pre­cinct.

updated 01/11/2019
