Apex Lookout

Apex Lookout

Apex Look­out pro­vides a con­veni­ent platform to view swee­ping, pan­ora­mic views of Mid­dle­ton Beach, King George Sound and the dis­t­ant Stirl­ing Ranges.

Prior to World War 2, there was only a steep track to the summit of Mount Clar­ence.  The Apex Club of Albany organ­ised the build­ing of a road so the gener­al public could access the spect­acular views from the summit by car.

The pro­ject receiv­ed just over 1800 pounds in public donat­ions, and 1878 man hours of labour were pro­vid­ed by volunteers to remove trees and boulders.  Bulldozers took 253 hours to shift the 920 cubic metres of gravel used to build the 1.4 km long road.

Apex Drive was offici­ally open­ed in March 1955 by Mayor Denis Robinson, whose car was the first to use the new road.

Today the look­out is part of Albany's Herit­age Park and was includ­ed in the 2013 up­grade of the histori­cal pre­cinct.  Apex Look­out is locat­ed on Apex Drive, midway between the Avenue of Honour and Desert Corps Mem­ori­al on Mount Clar­ence.

updated 01/11/2019
