Apex Lookout
Apex Lookout provides a convenient platform to view sweeping, panoramic views of Middleton Beach, King George Sound and the distant Stirling Ranges.
Prior to World War 2, there was only a steep track to the summit of Mount Clarence. The Apex Club of Albany organised the building of a road so the general public could access the spectacular views from the summit by car.
The project received just over 1800 pounds in public donations, and 1878 man hours of labour were provided by volunteers to remove trees and boulders. Bulldozers took 253 hours to shift the 920 cubic metres of gravel used to build the 1.4 km long road.
Apex Drive was officially opened in March 1955 by Mayor Denis Robinson, whose car was the first to use the new road.
Today the lookout is part of Albany's Heritage Park and was included in the 2013 upgrade of the historical precinct. Apex Lookout is located on Apex Drive, midway between the Avenue of Honour and Desert Corps Memorial on Mount Clarence.
updated 01/11/2019