Patrick Taylor Cottage

Patrick Taylor Cottage

This eleven-room wattle and daub home is the oldest surviv­ing dwell­ing in West­ern Australia.

The cott­age is the pride and joy of the Albany Histori­cal Socie­ty and a must-see attrac­tion.

Built circa 1832, the cott­age con­sists of an entry, box room, parl­our, nurs­ery, bedroom, dining room, family room, sewing room, kitchen, laundry and side verandah.  Many beauti­ful artifacts, cover­ing sever­al eras, are dis­play­ed in the vari­ous rooms.

The cott­age is surround­ed by a neat Engl­ish cott­age garden.

Patrick Taylor was born at Montrose in Scotland in 1806 and orphan­ed as a child.  A wealthy young man of very delic­ate health, it is believ­ed he came to Albany for health reasons and to purchase land for farm­ing.

He arriv­ed at Albany in 1834 on board the 'James Pattison'.  During the voyage, he met Miss Mary Yates Bussell and fell in love, over a period of time send­ing her many beauti­ful letters and poems.  These indicat­ed he was a very sens­itive young man, thought­ful, per­haps introvert­ed, philosophi­cal and very relig­ious.

updated 30/12/2019
