St John's Anglican Church

St John's Anglican Church

The Church of Saint John the Evangel­ist became West­ern Australia's first con­secrat­ed church on 25th October 1848 when Bishop Short led a ceremony attend­ed by the entire town.

From orig­inal plans first drawn up in 1840, the church rapidly took shape using local stone, cut from Mount Clar­ence and handcraft­ed sheoak shingles.  In 1849, the main bell, cast by Thos Meares of London who also cast Big Ben and bells of Westminster, was install­ed.

Today, St, John's Church con­tinues as a living venue pro­vid­ing church services to the local com­munity.

The Rect­ory, locat­ed just behind the church, was con­struct­ed in 1850 with the upper floor added in 1875.  In 1884, work began on the Parish Hall, next door.  This was com­plet­ed 3 years later.  The organ, built by Hill & Son at a cost of 160 pounds, was install­ed in 1891.

Other addit­ions include the Crucifix­ion Window added in 1912, the Lady Chapel in 1961, the Sanctu­ary in 1968 and Tubular Bells install­ed recently in 2010.

Today, St, John's Church con­tinues as both a historic church, with a rich hist­ory and trad­ition, and as a living venue pro­vid­ing church services to the local com­mun­ity.  It's pleas­ant gardens make the St.  John's a popular wedd­ing venue, or for quiet con­temp­la­tion in a rest­ful sett­ing.

Saint's John's Church is locat­ed on lower York Street in the centre of the city and is open to the public Monday to Saturday from 10 am till 2 pm.

updated 30/12/2019

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